A secretive clan of modern, aristocratic Vampires, find their nation, The Underworld, is being threatened. A war has been brewing for centuries as rival nations discard their expired human cattle and degenerate vamps at the Underworlds borders. The vampires' food supply, human blood, is dwindling due to contamination and disease. Malnutrition has turned many vamps into creatures incapable of function. Two Vamp Leaders, Dayne and Kam, are entrenched in a conflict as to the right solution to clean up their nation. Despite their difference in opinions and personalities, they have remained friends for centuries. Kam, a centuries old warlord, is as charismatic as he is impulsive. He insists war is the only way to regain control and restore their nation to its pristine self. He considers humans a food source, recruits them into a cult, then turns them into a regenerating food supply called Fractions. Dayne, an introverted, compassionate centuries old scient...
Vampires Live Forever...Or Do They?
Can One Vamp Save the Species As Time Runs Out?