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Chapter 9: Winners and Losers (Song: Sin In Justice)

 Chapter 9    Winners and Losers   (Song: Sin In Justice)

After the dust has settled, they return to The Kindred and discuss the events. Kam thinks he has won, but Dayne knows he is not the loser in this game, he is merely taking a different path.

Dayne momentarily slips into a daydream where he sees himself asking Nia if she can envision their future. Dayne snaps out of it and asks Kam if he understands the food supply issue or is he just blind to it. Before Kam can answer, Dayne interrupts, “I’d rather not know the answer.”

As Dayne leaves, he tells Kam, and the others, that a win in the battle is not necessarily a win for all. And at the same time,  a loss doesn't mean defeat. Eventually, true justice will balance all things.

I made this video to show my interpretation of this song. 

I wrote a movie script/short story called Vampire Qualia aka Qualia the Movie, that was inspired by the songs on this album, "Underworld." 

This story adaptation would make and incredible Rock Opera Movie with Hyde playing dual lead roles. Both of the main characters in this video (Dayne and Kam) would be played by Hyde in my movie concept. 

There would be no dialogue because my interpretation of the songs allows the movie to flow without it. A TRUE Rock Opera!