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Chapter 6: Our future starts here (Song: In This Hell)

 Chapter 6 Our future starts here    (Song: In This Hell)

Dayne and his followers meet and gaze across the grounds of The Kindred to see Kam preparing his group. Dayne notices a difference in the air. “A strategy is being formed,” he continues, “We have no worries. If change comes, then we will write  our own future.”

He knows he is not enemies with Kam, they just have a difference of opinion. Despite Kam's offers, Dayne has no desire to  rule the nation with him. He'd rather stay focused on his research and solve the vamp problem his way.

Although Dayne knows he is doing the right thing, he still has doubts. He accepts that all vamps are technically souls in hell.   He stands by his decision to solve the problem scientifically.  Telling his group, “I’d rather be a ghost than attack my own  people.”