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Character backstory: Kam

Kam is a charismatic, mysterious and calculating vampire. He was turned vamp in sixteenth century
Japan. At this time, civil wars were common.  Kam watched and learned as the succession of warlords led to increased power, territory and a reestablishment of order and reunification. For this reason, Kam believes a war-like take over is necessary to elicit changes in the Underworld.  He presumes once they have gained control and restored order in the Underworld, they can stop other nations from dumping their degenerate vamps on their border.

Kam has a large following in both the vamp and human worlds.  He recruits humans, like a cult leader would, to create Fractions and use them as a food supply.   Among vamps, Kam has strong influence with the nations Monarchs, the high level vamp decision makers. He also has a position of power in the nation's governing system.

Kam's name comes from Japanese mythology in which the gods created over 800 “kami” or  spirits when they created the country. After becoming a vamp, the ancients thought he was a spirit, so he adopted the name. Kam is the epitome of a kami.  Kami are “spirits”  that are said to be of two minds. Their two sides, gentle and aggressive, must be satisfied and respected to avoid their wrath.

Kam can be mysterious and sensual, yet animated and sociable.  He can be gracious when treated with reverence, but he is a formidable and relentless opponent when crossed.

Dayne and Kam have a long history together. They are like brothers.  Each recognizes they have differences, yet accepts their compatibility.  This is key to Dayne and Kam's eternal friendship.